In terms of energy made from renewables, energy companies in future are likely to have a changing mix of power sources. Right now it's impossible to predict what shape the mix wil take in the future - but it's unlikely I reckon that wind power will blow out any time soon. Same with solar - a burnout is not only unlikely, it's practically unimaginable.
But what of other renewables types? Biofuel had the media abuzz a while back, and there's been some promising discussions around algae, although no indications of it becoming the renewables king.
Green electricity - or zero carbon electricity - is obviously going to be important as the world's population grows and China and India become economicially mighty.
What about hydrogen fuel cells, I wonder. Well, what would have been scince fiction just a few short years ago has now become reality, and Mercedes Benz has been making some waves in the media recently with a hydrogen car.
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