Edinburgh is a town used to seeing famous faces. Any time I've visited during the festival I've always spotted a famous face or six. From Billy Connolly to Lauren Laverne to John Malkovitch, they've all pounded the pavements of Auld Reekie at one point.
If you're in the Edinburgh St James shopping complex next Saturday, keep an eye out for a famous name in the shape of none other then Mr Motivator.
Errr, I hear you cry, -what's this got to do with energy?
Well it goes like this. The Scottish power company Scottish Hydro has arranged for Mr Motivator to come along to their Eco Zone in the St James, and he'll be showing people how much energy is used to boil a kettle, switch on a light, and other tasks that use electricity.
The Eco Zone is a drop-in centre where the public are invited to saunter in and learn all about sustainability - and Mr Motivator is making it his base next week. So if you're in Edinburgh, drop by and see what he has to say. You could end up with some great energy saving tips.
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